The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
61 lines
Disk No: 735
Program Title: CHECKBOOKS & BUDGETS version 2.2
PC-SIG version: 2.5
CHECKBOOKS AND BUDGETS lets you not only keep track of your personal
checking accounts, but also automatically sets aside portions of your
income into different categories in your budget.
This disk contains a full featured checkbook database, check printing
and budgeting program which will allow you to painlessly keep track of
your personal checking and savings accounts. Checkbooks & Budgets lets
you automatically set aside a portion of your income into each different
category in your budget. The budgeting portion of the program is
completely flexible as it allows you to move budgeted funds from account
to account at will. See the full list of features below.
o Easy to use, windowed, menu driven, checkbook and budgeting system
o Optional printing of industry standard checks
o Built in help menu system
o Data input editing and error checking
o Up to 180 accounts - 120 for expenses / 60 for income
o Up to 65535 check register entries (limited by disk space avail.)
o Uses keyed index files for quick data storage and retrieval
o Multiple formatted listings to screen or printer
o Financial report generation including bar graphs
o Automatic balancing
o Quick and easy bank statement reconciliation system
o Financial and loan calculations
Usage: Financial and Business
Special Requirements: None.
How to Start: Type GO (press enter).
Suggested Registration: $15.00
File Descriptions:
CHCKBDGT COM Main program.
CHCKBDGT 000 Overlay file for main program.
CHCKBDGT HLP Built-in help files.
CHCKBDGT TXT Small documentation file listing all necessary files.
CHCKBDGT DOC Documentation file for printing.
\DEMO Directory with demo data/index files (copy to root dir).
INSTALL COM Installation program for floppies and hard disks.
CONFIG SYS Configuration file with FILES=20 - must be on boot disk !!!
BACKUP BAT Batch file for backing up data files.
DEMO BAT Batch file for running demo data files.
AUTOEXEC BAT Batch file for automatic execution of CHCKBDGT.
GO BAT Batch file for getting started.
1030D E. Duane Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987,88,89 PC-SIG, Inc.